The Grape Vine

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New look to The Grape Vine

Dear Readers, 

Thank you for your continued support and for making The Grape Vine a success. It has been two years since the launch of the website, and I have grown with each story written. 

It is now time for the website to shed it's simpler look of the past and take on a new avtar. 

In the last two years, the site has built a body of work, and there is much content in the area of wine, food, and travel. 

Going forward, this section shall contain news of up coming events happenings in the world of wine, food and travel that any one may be interested in attending, particularly in Delhi. 

I hope you enjoy reading The Grape Vine as much as I enjoy writing for you, and I hope that you will continue to visit the site, and enjoy the content. . 

