The Grape Vine
The Grape Vine
Radhika Puar's blog on wine, food and travel adventures

Welcome to my blog on Food, Wine and Travel!

I love food and and I love travelling, hence this blog. I've been lucky enough to have been able to travel quite extensively around the world, and experience different cultures and cuisines.

My time at Le Cordon Bleu Paris - particularly my internship in rural France sensitised me to the real challenges in bringing our food farm to table. As city dwellers, we are used to picking up our groceries at our convenience from easily accessible locations. We can even have our groceries home delivered.

What we don’t realise is that much of what we consume has no more than one harvest a year. Any kind of farming, is an agro business. Any change in weather patterns will affect the quality and quantity of a harvest. Any mistake in value added processes and transport results in financial losses for the entire year which will not be recoverable until the next harvest.

It is with this understanding of the power of nature, and the effort to produce what we take for granted, that I explore the world we live in and the food we eat.